
Scarborough Spheres, City of Stirling

By City of Stirling, Municipality

Heavy-duty pedestrian protection masked by architectural style – a concept embodied by long lines of Anston 600mm spheres distributed along the bustling Scarborough Esplanade.

Sitting adjacent to the engaging beach environment of Scarborough Foreshore, the Esplanade is a busy thoroughfare providing access for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In the summer months, high numbers of locals and tourists alike flock to Scarborough Beach, which plays host to the vibrant Scarborough Sunset Markets.

Due to the road and footpath being situated on a level plane, the City of Stirling identified a need for bollards or physical barriers to be installed, preventing cars from encroaching on pedestrian space. Their search for an adequate solution extended interstate, finally reaching Anston in Melbourne.

Over 100 Anston 600mm spheres were sent across to Western Australia. The significant weight of 265kg per unit ensured that the spheres would provide sufficient resistance in the case of vehicular impact. Completed in a high-quality shot-blasted concrete finish in the colour Vega, the spheres successfully utilise a visually pleasing aesthetic to distract from their primary function, seeming like architectural elements used to beautify the streetscape rather than traffic management bollards installed for pedestrian safety.

City of Stirling

City of Stirling


The City of Stirling is a local council situated in Western Australia, servicing over 220,000 residents. The council employs an internal team of landscape architects and urban designers who are responsible for planning, design and documentation activities to assist capital works and corporate programs.
Scarborough, WA

Designer City of Stirling, Municipality

City of Stirling

600mm Concrete Spheres

Product Colour/s

Melody Ong

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