The story begins in 2009, when Scott Wynd of TLC Pools approached Anston to discuss his design for the 2010 Trailfinders Australian Garden, the show garden which would be presented by Fleming’s Nurseries at the Chelsea Flower Show in London.
Scott’s garden was to be dramatic: a statement of modern, luxurious outdoor living incorporating a lap pool and spa within areas for eating and entertaining. To build a garden such as this in your own backyard would leave no change from $500,000.
The design included Anston paving in four areas: 24 large custom slabs (up to 2200mm long), custom pool steppers cut to form a circle, an Ashlar 750 pattern to make up the main entertaining area, 20mm thick wall cladding (also in the Ashlar 750 pattern) with alternate cladding units heavily shotblasted to create more texture and contrast against the plain units.
This garden was an enormous engineering and logistical feat. The team of TLC Pools, Hamilton Landscapes, Fleming’s Nurseries and Anston were rewarded for their efforts, winning a prestigious Gold Medal (the equivalent of an Olympic Gold Medal in the landscape design industry!).
“The materials produced and delivered for the Chelsea Flower Show reflect the skill, commitment to quality and pride in workmanship that are hallmarks of Anston’s work.”
Ken Connor, Anston Architectural Products